Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hypo Venture Capital Headlines: Fake collar bomb mystery deepens as Australian police focus on note


Police said the note was the most crucial piece of evidence being used by investigators to track down the culprit. They were also examining a USB stick left inside the fake bomb.
Struan is the lead character in James Clavell’s book about a wealthy and violent businessman who is bent on destroying his rivals.
He is described as a “pirate, an opium smuggler, a master manipulator of men, a ruthless intriguer and a mighty lover.”
In the book, which police hope will shed light on the identity of the man behind the bizarre attack on Miss Pulver, Struan and his business rival Tyler Brock use extortion, threats and violence in an attempt to get the better of each other.
In one chapter, an extortion threat is made against Straun and a price is put on the heads of his wife and daughter.
Struan’s character, while ruthless, is portrayed as tough and resourceful.
Throughout the book Straun fights to protect his family and his trading company, Noble House. He eventually dies in a typhoon before he can fulfil his mission to destroy Block.
The book was made into a film in 1986 starring Australian actor Bryan Brown.
Clavell reportedly based the character on 19th Century Scottish doctor and merchant William Jardine who co-founded a Hong Kong conglomerate.

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